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Optical Portrait Wood Upright „Ano“, 2022, Lacquer on wood on Kapa panel, 26 x 20 x 8,6 cm

Optical Portrait Wood Upright „Ano“, 2022,Lacquer on wood on Kapa panel, 26 x 20 x 8,6 cm

Maxim Wakultschik, „Protona“, 2022, Lacquer on wood on Kapa board, 57 x 43 x 8 cm

Optical Portrait Wood Upright „Protona“, 2022,

lacquer on wood, 57 x 43 x 8,6 cm

Maxim Wakultschik, "For it will soon be gone; like a fleeting ray", 2023, laquer on wood, 26 x 35 x 8,6 cm

Optical Portrait Wood Upright “For it will soon be gone; like a fleeting ray“, 2023,

lacquer on wood, 26 x 35 x 8,6 cm


Optical Portrait Wood Upright „Camille“, 2022,

lacquer on wood, 57 x 43 x 8,6 cm

I love you more than I love anybody, 2023, Lacquer on wood on Kapa panel behind Plexiglas hood,  35 x 26 x 8,6 cm

Optical Portrait Wood Upright „I love you more than I love anybody“, 2023,

lacquer on wood, 35 x 26 x 8,6 cm

Maxim Wakultschik, „Protona“, 2022, Lacquer on wood on Kapa board, 57 x 43 x 8 cm

Optical Portrait Wood Upright „Protona“, 2022,

lacquer on wood, 57 x 43 x 8,6 cm

1Multipersonality, „Hermes Töchter“, 2022, Öl auf Paintersboard, 140 x 105 cm .jpg

Multipersonality, „Hermes Töchter“, 2022,

oil on Paintersboard, 140 x 105 cm

1Multipersonality, „Hermes Töchter“, 2022, Öl auf Paintersboard, 140 x 105 cm .jpg

Multipersonality, „Hermes Töchter“, 2022,

oil on Paintersboard, 140 x 105 cm

1Multipersonality, „Hermes Töchter“, 2022, Öl auf Paintersboard, 140 x 105 cm .jpg

Multipersonality, „Hermes Töchter“, 2022,

oil on Paintersboard, 140 x 105 cm

1Multipersonality, „Hermes Töchter“, 2022, Öl auf Paintersboard, 140 x 105 cm .jpg

Multipersonality, „Hermes Töchter“, 2022,

oil on Paintersboard, 140 x 105 cm

she cant remember seitlich.png

She can’t remember, 2024,Lacquer on wood on Kapa board ,

20 x 20 x 8,6 cm

she cant remember seitlich.png

She can’t remember, 2024,Lacquer on wood on Kapa board ,

20 x 20 x 8,6 cm


Because it’s been so good for so long, 2024,Lacquer on wood on Kapa board behind plexiglas ,

20 x 26 x 8,6 cm

illustrations: © Maxim Wakultschik


The artist Maxim Wakultschik, who was born in Minsk, studied in the classes of the sculptor Beate Schiff and Prof Jannis Kounellis at the Düsseldorf Art Academy. His works are a variety of different techniques, which constantly go beyond the limits of his own style, in order to find themselves a new definition. Walkultschik clearly expresses his fondness for sculpture by creating often three-dimensional works, made out of material like wood, toothpickers, broken safety glass, as well as photorealistic paintings on Paintersboard.  Humans, especially unique faces, are the main subject of his works. He creates portraits in form of objects, reliefs or painting. The artist turns the viewer into a silent observer, who secretly looks at the depicted people through plane windows or train doors.

Maxim Wakultschik, artist of ART Galerie 7, Cologne

© Maxim Wakultschik


*1973 in Minsk, Belarus

lives and works in Düsseldorf



belarusian Lyzeum of arts, art department



art studies at the art academy Düsseldorf with Prof. Schiff und Prof. Kounellis


from 2017        

Lecturer at the Alanus college of arts, Alfter, Germany


solo exhibitions

Color Symphony in Dots, Christian Marx Galerie, Düsseldorf, Germany

Maxim Wakultschik, Impulse Gallery, Lucerne, Switzerland

Maxim’s Birthday, mit Christian Marx Galerie, Düsseldorf, Germany in Bazzar Café Rösterei, Neuss

Maxim Wakultschik, Christian Marx Galerie, Düsseldorf, Germany

Maxim Wakultschik, HOFA Gallery, in London, GB


Lichtspuren, Hanauer Kulturverein, Hanau, Germany continuation, von fraunberg Kunst Galerie, Düsseldorf, Germany

The Wakultschik Experience, Christian Marx Galerie, Düsseldorf, Germany

Maxim Wakultschik, Galerie Seidel, Cologne, Germany

Maxim Wakultschik, Galleria Berno Sacchetti, Ascona, Switzerland

Galerie an der Pinakothek der Moderne / Barbara Ruetz, Munich, Germany

ART Galerie 7, Cologne, Germany

Continuation, von fraunberg art gallery, Düsseldorf, Germany


Allseitig Spuren von Licht, Museum Kloster Kamp, Germany

Galeria Simon Nolte, Palma de Mallorca, Illes Balears, Spain

Impulse, Impulse Gallery, Luzern, Switzerland

Colorful : Pointed, Galleria Sacchetti, Ascona, Switzerland

Maxim Wakultschik, von fraunberg Kunst Galerie, Düsseldorf, Germany

Wakultschik Experience, Christian Marx Galerie, Düsseldorf, Germany


COVA Kunst Galerie, Eindhoven, Netherlands ‚Sichtung’, von fraunberg Kunst Galerie, Düsseldorf

Maxim Wakultschik, Gallery Ysebaert, Sint-Martens-Latem, Belgium

Christian Marx Galerie, Düsseldorf, Germany


Shape Shifting, Städtische Galerie Schwabach, Künstlerbund Schwabach, Germany

Polymorphismus, Städtische Galerie ‚sohle 1’, Bergkamen (Solo with Aljosha)

Inter-Moment, Galerie im Schlosspavillon Ismaning, Ismaning Germany

Reflektieren, Flimmern, Rieseln, Galerie Seidel, Cologne (Solo with Igor Chepikov)

Perception, ART Galerie 7 / Meike Knüppe, Cologne, Germany (with Janos Schaab)


In and Out of Focus, kuratiert von COVA Art Gallery, het Archief, Eindhoven, Netherlands

architecture meets art, Galeria Simon Nolte in Burkhard Reinschs Villa La Vida, Mallorca, Spain (with Stephan Marienfeld)

One Thousand and One, Anya Tish Gallery, Houston, Texas, USA

The New Art Order, Christian Marx Galerie, Düsseldorf, Germany

Trugbild oder Täuschung, Galerie Seidel, Cologne, Germany

The Illusion of Perception, von fraunberg art gallery, Düsseldorf, Germany



Neue Werke, Galerie Simon Nolte, Münster, Germany

Blurred Boundaries, COVA art gallery, Eindhoven, Netherlands

Maxim’s World of Art, Art Galerie 7 / Meike Knüppe, Cologne, Germany

Malerei, Paintings, Galerie an der Pinakothek der Moderne / Barbara Ruetz, Munich, Germany (with Nico Kiese)


“Monuments”, Christian Marx Galerie, Düsseldorf

“Perspective Three”, TRIBU HOUSE, Geneva. Switzerland

"Neue Werke von Maxim Wakultschik" Galerie Simon Nolte Münster



Art meets Fashion – Inline unlimited, von fraunberg art gallery, Düsseldorf, Germany (with Agata Agatowska)

Porträt. Form, Farbe, Illusion, NEW AG, Mönchengladbach, Germany

Faces, Unique Gallery, Galerie Claudia Junig, Cologne, Germany

Facetime 2.0, Galeria Simon Nolte, Portocolom, Mallorca, Spain (with Sebastian Herzau)


"Der heimliche Blick", Alte Honigfabrik, Kunstverein Ibbenbüren, Ibbenbüren

"Der zweite Blick", Galerie Palais Walderdorff, Society for fine arts Trier e.V., Trier

"Von Angesicht zu Angesicht”, Museum im Haus Hövener, Kunstverein Östliches Sauerland, Brilon

"Face Time", Galeria Simon Nolte, Portocolom, Mallorca, Spain

"Face Time", Galerie Michael Nolte, Münster

"Die Poesie des Alltags", art club Aurich, Aurich

"Zeitfenster", art club Gundelfingen, Gundelfingen

"Gesichts-Züge", art club Heidenheim a. d. Brenz, Heidenheim a. d. Brenz

"The Art of Shadow", art club Nümbrecht, Nümbrecht

"Face to Face", Alte Brennerei, art club Ebersberg, Ebersberg 



"Maxim Wakultschik – peintre / plasticien", The Raymond Banas Art Gallery and Maison De La Culture Et Des Loisirs, Metz, France

"Hall of Fame", Christian Marx Galerie, Düsseldorf

Gallery Frank Pages, Geneva, Switzerland

"Face Time", Gallery Anya Tish, Houston, TX, USA

"Trainspotting", Versandhalle Grevenbroich, Städtische Galerie, Grevenbroich

"new objects", von fraunberg art gallery, Düsseldorf

"Nachtzug nach Moskau", art Biberach, Biberach



"Der heimliche Blick", Museum Kunstsammlungen der Stadt Limburg, Limburg

"wirklich – nicht wirklich", art club Barsinghausen, Barsinghausen

Galerie Frank Pages, Geneva, Switzerland



"Maxim Wakultschik /Malerei", Galerie an der Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich

Turmgalerie in the castle of Augustusburg, Augustusburg

Städtische Galerie Petershagen, Petershagen



"Nachtzug nach Moskau", Künstlerloge, Ratingen

"Ambivalences", Galerie Nolte, Münster

"Inside Movement", Galerie im Griesbad, Ulm

"East-West Night Express", von fraunberg art gallery, Düsseldorf  

"Schein und Wirklichkeit", Kunstverein Oberhausen, Oberhausen 



"Closely Watched Trains", Galerie Anya Tish, Houston, TX, USA

"Public Inside", von fraunberg art gallery, Düsseldorf  



"Deception", Galerie Burkhard Eikelmann, Düsseldorf

"Deception", Kunsthalle Neuufer am Park, Pirmasens



"Snare", Kunstraum Glashaus, Düsseldorf

"Dualities", Gallery Anya Tish, Houston, TX, USA



"Identity", Galerie Seidel, Cologne



Städtische Galerie Blauhaus, Xanten

"Face to Face", Galerie Anya Tish, Houston, TX, USA



"Face to Face", Galerie Studio 40, Düsseldorf



"Vorbild Mensch", Kunst & Museum, Hollfeld



"Neue Arbeiten", HWL Galerie und Edition, Düsseldorf

"art drei räume", Kunsthaus Mettmann e.V., Mettmann

participation in exhibitions


Discover, von Frauenberg art Gallery, Düsseldorf

Highlights, Burkhardt Eikelmann Galerie, Düsseldorf

Essencen,Christian Marx Galerie, Düsseldorf

Group Show, Gerhardt Braun Gallery Art Window, Palma de Mallorca

Illusionäre Essenzen, Galerie Galina Seidel, Cologne



Das kleine Format, with Art Galerie 7, Cologne, Germany

The Pulse of Art, Christian Marx Galerie, Düsseldorf, Germany

Nudes, Burkhard Eikelmann Galerie, Düsseldorf, Germany

Charity Art Auction in cooperation with Sotheby's + Rotary International clubs, benefiting

Desideria Care e.V., Palais Oppenheim, Cologne, Germany

Favorites, von fraunberg art gallery, Düsseldorf, Germany

Artist Positions 23, Sight Galerie, Offenbach, Germany

Herbstsalon III - Neue Romantik 3.0, Stiftung Kultur Korridor, Aachen, Germany

This is a Group Show, Anya Tish Gallery, Houston, USA

Maxim Wakultschik and seiLeise feat. 'Young talents from Contemporary to Urban Art', von fraunberg art gallery, Düsseldorf, Germany 

The Diversity of expression, Christian Marx Galerie, Düsseldorf, Germany

Nachtbrötchen, Roermond, Netherlands

20 Jahre Art Galerie 7, Art Galerie 7, Cologne, Germany


Until January 2023: Nachtbrötchen, Part2Gallery, Roermond, Netherlands

IN MOTION, Sight Galerie, Offenbach am Main, Germany

NSDM LOODS Amsterdam with Nachtbrötchen, Düsseldorf, Germany


Sein Licht Irritation Spielerei, Galleria Sacchetti, Ascona, Switzerland

Metamorphose oder Transformation?, Galerie Seidel, Cologne, Switzerland

Urban Jungle, von fraunberg Kunst Galerie, Düsseldorf, Germany

IMPULSE, Impulse Gallery, Luzern, Switzerland 

Art Karlsruhe selection@Christian Marx Galerie, Viewing Room

Maxim Wakultschik, ART Galerie 7, Cologne, Germany

Galeria Simon Nolte, Palma de Mallorca, Illes Balears, Spain


Katharsis, Galerie Seidel, Cologne, Germany

Christian Marx Galerie, Düsseldorf, Germany

Nachtbrötchen 3.0 - Rheinterrasse, Düsseldorf, Germany

Galeria Simon Nolte, Palma de Mallorca, Illes Balears, Spain

Städtische Galerie Bietigheim-Bissingen, Germany

Art Galerie 7, Cologne, Germany

‚Sichtung’, von fraunberg art gallery, Düsseldorf, Germany


Be Art, Galerie Simon Nolte, Münster, Germany

Gallery Choice, von fraunberg art gallery, Düsseldorf, Germany

Sonne, Mond und Sterne / Das kleine Format, ART Galerie 7 / Meike Knüppe, Cologne, Germany

Holz – Körper - Kontext, Städtische Kunstgalerie Wertingen, Wertingen, Germany

Holz – Stein – Eisen – Kunststoff, kuratiert von Galerie Kleebolte, Bürgermeisterhaus, Essen, Germany

Artist Night – Night of Gallerys and Museums in Münster, Galerie Simon Nolte, Münster, Germany

Art Ruhr Zeitgenossen, Auktionshaus an der Ruhr, Mülheim a.d. Ruhr, Germany (with Thorsten Kasel)

Viva Frida! An Homage to Frida Kahlo, Go Gallery, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Flowing Colors, curated by von fraunberg art gallery, Taylor Wessing, Düsseldorf, Germany

Academy Artists, Quirin Bank, Düsseldorf, Germany

Personal Structures / Open Borders, presented by ECC European Cultural Centre in the context of the 58th Venice Biennale, Venice, Italy

Summer Contemporary 2019, The House of Fine Art, Nammos Village, Mykonos, Greece

Belkina, Dóka, Wakultschik: Portraits and Storytelling, Faur Zsófi Galéria, Budapest, Hungary

RARITY SUMMER CONTEMPORARY 2019, Rarity Gallery, Mykonos, Greece

Behind, Galerie Simon Nolte, Münster, Germany

1x1 m Detonation, Galerie Seidel, Cologne, Germany


Third Dimension, Galerie Simon Nolte, Münster, Germany

The Power of Portraits, Christian Marx Galerie, Düsseldorf, Germany

Q V A N T U M, HOFA Gallery, West Hollywood, California, USA

ZBOR In Progress, y Gallery, Minsk, Belarus (with Revision-Group)

Culture Pop, .M Contemporary, Sydney, Australia

Q V A N T U M, HOFA Gallery, London, UK

FO YOU Voluntary Art Liaison, Berlin, Germany

42 Contemporary Artists, EAF Enter Art Foundation, Berlin, Germany

U_K Bang_Gang @W57, im Kontext von Düsseldorf Cologne Open Galleries, Düsseldorf, Germany

Nacht der Museen und Galerien, Galerie Simon Nolte, Münster, Germany

XIX Trialog w Krynkach, Belarusian Outside, Fundacja Villa Sokrates, Krynki, Poland

Todos podem ser Frida, All can be Frida, Espacio Gallery, London, UK

Way to the East, Centro de Arte La Recova, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain

Heimat, Galerie Simon Nolte, Münster, Germany

Summer 2018, Galeria Simon Nolte, Portocolom, Mallorca, Spain

RARITY SUMMER CONTEMPORARY 2018, Rarity Gallery, Mykonos, Greece

Zeitgeist, Galerie Simon Nolte, Münster, Germany

Das große Format, Art Galerie 7 / Meike Knüppe, Cologne, Germany


„Das kleine Format“, Art Galerie 7, Cologne, Germany
"Discover as on a journey“, von fraunberg art gallery, Düsseldorf, Germany
„Uitnodiging“, COVA art gallery, Eindhoven, Netherlands

"new works", Galerie an der Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich, Germany     

“Pure Pop - The Art of Popular Culture”, Christian Marx Galerie, Düsseldorf, Germany
"Happy new drawings and other objects", Gallery Burkhard Eikelmann, Düsseldoirf, Germany
"Unzetrenlich", Galerie Seidel, Cologne, Germany

"RARITY SUMMER CONTEMPORARY 2017", Rarity Gallery, Mykonos, Greece

WE THE WOMAN, Atelier des Bains, Geneva, Switzerland. In collaboration with Frank Pages Gallery, Geneva, Switzerland



Stiftung Starke, Löwenpalais Grunewald, Berlin, Germany

Galeria Simon Nolte, Palma, Mallorca, Spain

EAF / ENTER ART FOUNDATION, at ABC Berlin, Berlin, Germany

"Zeitgeist", Galerie Simon Nolte, Münster, Germany

"Now u see it´s Xmas season", von fraunberg art gallery, Düsseldorf, Germany

"Art After Work",, Düsseldorf, Germany

„Riss oder Spaltung?“ Gallery Galina Seidel, Cologne, Germany

"XX anniversary show", Anya Tish Gallery, Houston, TX, USA

"ZBOR. BELARUSIAN ART MOVEMENT" in IZOLYATSIA, Platform for Cultural Initiatives, Kiev, Ukraine, with group photo-project "Revision"

"SaisonstArt", Galeria Simon Nolte, Portocolom, Mallorca, Spain

„100 Jahre nach dem SCHWARZEN QUADRAT“, 100 Künstler x 100 cm Kunst, zum 20. Jubiläum der Galerie, “Galerie Seidel”, Cologne, Germany

"gallery artists", von Fraunberg art gallery, Düsseldorf, Germany
“Grand Opening”, Christian Marx Galerie, Düsseldorf, Germany
„Pixel of Identities - the Body Language“. BAC Gallery, Bogotá (Colombia)
“SUPREME”, Skulptur - Malerei - Installation, Art Galerie 7 / Meike Knüppe, Cologne, Germany 




"100 Jahre Schwarzes Quadrat von Kazimir Malevich", Galerie Seidel, Cologne, Germany

"KunstBoulevard 2015. Malerei und Fotografie", Kulturamt Steglitz-Zehlendorf with Boulevard Berlin, Berlin

"Neue Werke", Galerie Simon Nolte, Münster, Germany

"ZBIÓR (ZBOR)", Galeria Arsenał, Białystok, Poland (with group project "Revision")

"Revision", Foundation Izolyatsia Platform for Cultural Initiatives, Kiev, Ukraine (with group project "Revision")

"Inline Unlimited", von fraunberg art gallery, Düsseldorf, Germany

"Naked", Nave Gallery Annex, Somerville, MA, USA

"Magie des Realen", Galerie Simon Nolte, Münster, Germany

"Hinter Kulissen" Christian Marx Galerie, Düsseldorf, Germany

"Future Identities – Bodies. Places. Spaces." Galerie Laura Haber, Buenos Aires, Argentina

"Future Identities – Bodies. Places. Spaces." International Photography, Painting, Installation, Video Art and Performance Art Festival in Palazzo Radetzky, Milan, Italy



Contemporary Venice - It’s LIQUID International Art Show, Palazzo Flangini, Venice, Italy   

"Portfolio: Wirklichkeit und Illusionen", Galerie Seidel, Cologne, Germany

"MODERN VENUS", Kunstraum Gerdi Gutperle, Viernheim

"Männerwelten", art club Burgwedel-Isernhagen, Isernhagen

NordArt 2014, Kunstwerk Carlshütte, Büdelsdorf, Germany

"Myth & Muse, an homage to Frida Kahlo", GO Gallery, Amsterdam, Netherlands

"Unter 4 Augen – Sprache des Portraits", Altes Rathaus, Kunstkreis Gräfelfing, Gräfeling

"After the fair & new positions", von fraunberg art gallery, Düsseldorf, Germany



"Schilderijen | Wandobjecten", Galerie BMB, Amsterdam, Netherlands

"Menschen-t-räume", Galerie Seidel, Cologne, Germany

"Awakening into color. Part I", Taylor Wessing, Düsseldorf, Germany

"In Sequence", Taylor Wessing, Frankfurt, Germany

"Gallery’s Choice", von fraunberg art gallery, Düsseldorf, Germany

"Ensemble terrible", Christian Marx Galerie, Düsseldorf, Germany

"20 Jahre Galerie Ruetz – Jubiläumsausstellung", Galerie Barbara Ruetz, Munich, Germany

"NoTimeLikethePresent" Anya Tish Gallery, Houston, TX, USA

"small but just in size…", BESPOKE, Düsseldorf, Germany



"Auf der ewigen Reise", E.ON Galerie, E.ON AG, Düsseldorf

Gallery 212, Miami, Florida, USA

"summertime", von fraunberg art gallery, Düsseldorf, Germany

OPEN HOUSE 2012, Galerie Michael Nolte, Münster, Germany

"NEWart.21", Galeria Simon Nolte, Portocolom, Mallorca, Spain

"Radius Null", temporäre space, Fabrik „Horizont“, Minsk, Belarus

"Die Schlossanlage", Gomel Schloss, Gomel, Belarus

"3 years anniversary", Christian Marx Galerie, Düsseldorf, Germany

Gallery Frank Pages, Geneva, Switzerland

Christian Marx Galerie, Düsseldorf, Germany



"New States of Contemporary Art", Galerie Nolte, Münster, Germany

Galerie Frank Pages, Crans-Montana, Switzerland

"In Between Days", von fraunberg art gallery, Düsseldorf, Germany



"Who's Afraid of the Museum", Museum Hof van Busleyden, Mechelen, Belgium

Seewerk 2010, das Seewerk, Moers

"Gallery Artists", Galerie Frank Pages, Baden-Baden, Germany

"On What", Anya Tish gallery, Houston, TX, USA



"Krieg der Engel", Kunstverein „Talstrasse“, Halle

Galerie Oben, Chemnitz

Galerie Rüthmüller Contemporary Art, Basel, Switzerland

"The Simple Art of Parody”, Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei, Taiwan

"Switch On - Gräfelfing", Kunstkreis Gräfeling, Gräfelfing

"Wer bin ich", Buergerhaus, Hürth, Germany

"Light Switch", Galerie Anya Tish, Houston, TX, USA 



"Our favorites", Bereznitsky Gallery, Berlin

"GOOD-BY", Temporary Art Space "Für Fortgeschrittene", Berlin

RCS — Russian Contemporary Show, HAN JI YUN Contemporary Space Gallery, Beijing, China

"Russische Variationen", Landdrostei, Pinneberg

"Belarusian Perspectives", Arsenal Galerie, Białystok, Poland

Jahresgaben, Neuer Aachener Kunstverein, Aachen, Germany

‘gallery artists – recent works’, Anya Tish Gallery, Houston, TX, USA



"Revision", Bereznitsky Galerie, Berlin

"Revision", Bereznitsky Galerie, Kiev, Ukraine

ART ARSENAL, Städtisches Kunstforum Arsenal, Kiev, Ukraine

"Photo", Christine Hoelz Galerie, Düsseldorf, Germany



Städtische Galerie, Kaarst

"Bewegung, Dynamik und Kraft", Städtische Galerie Schwingeler Hof, Wesseling, Germany

"Current Belorusian Art", State Centre for Contemporary Art, Moscow, Russia



Neue Gesellschaft für bildende Kunst e.V., Berlin

"Revision", Kunstforum BBK, Düsseldorf

"Co-operative experience", Galerie Christine Hölz, Düsseldorf



Cubus Kunsthalle, Duisburg

"5. Kunstkreuz 2004", Kulturring in Berlin e.V., Berlin

Karl Ernst Osthaus-Museum, Hagen



"Emprise Art Award 2003",Museum NRW-Forum, Düsseldorf

"Licht Raum Europa", Reithalle im Klenzepark, Ingolstadt

"Spannungen, Schatten und Licht", Städtische Galerie Schwingeler Hof, Wesseling

Museum Baden, Solingen 

12. Internationale Print Biennale, Graphic Art Gallery, Varna, Bulgaria

"Sixpack", Dieter Fischer Galerie, Dortmund

"eingrenzen, grenzenlos, ausgrenzen", Museum Voswinckelshof, Dinslaken



"Emprise Art Award 2002", Museum NRW-Forum, Düsseldorf

"7. Kunstbombe", Flottmann-Hallen, Herne

"Malzeit", Hetjens-Museum German ceramics museum, Düsseldorf 



23. Internationale Hollfelder Kunstausstellung, Hollfeld
"6. Kunstbombe", Flottmann-Hallen, Herne



Expoprojekt zur Weltausstellung, Hofanlage, Holzminden

"Netz", Gallery Seidel, Cologne
"Miniatur 2000" Orangerie (Castle Rheda), Rheda-Wiedenbrück

"Emprise Art Award 2000", Museum NRW-Forum, Düsseldorf  



"Der Mensch als Möglichkeit“, Museum in Castle Fürstenberg, Fürstenberg

art fairs


Volta Basel, with Christian Marx Galerie, Düsseldorf, Germany

Knokke Art Fair Belgium with Burkhardt Eikelmann Galerie, Düsseldorf, Germany

Volta New York ,with the house of fine art, UK

palm beach Modern + Contemporary, Palm Beach, USA

Pavia Art Fair, Italy

17. Art Austria

San Francisco Art Fair, USA

Art Fair Schloss Kammer, Attersee, Austria

Intersect Aspen Art Fair, Colorado, USA

contemporary Istanbul, Turkey

Abu Dhabi Art Fair, UAE

Art Miami, USA


The Ohters Fair, Turin, Italy, with Unique Contemporary, Turin, Italy

Roma Arte Nuvola, Rome, Italy, with Unique Contemporary, Turin, Italy

moderne ART FAIR, Paris, France, with Mark Hachem Gallery

Contemporary Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey with HOFA Gallery, London, Los Angeles, Mykonos

Fair for Art Vienna, Vienna, Austria, with Rodler Gschwenter Gallery

Volta Basel, with Christian Marx Galerie, Düsseldorf, Germany

Art Karlsruhe, with Art Galerie 7, Cologne, Germany and Christian Marx Galerie, Düsseldorf, Germany

Galleries Art Fair with Simyo Gallery, Seoul, Korea

art wynwood in Miami, USA with HOFA Gallery, London, Los Angeles, Mykonos


art KARLSRUHE with Art Galerie 7, Cologne, Germany and Christian Marx Galerie, Düsseldorf, Germany


Art Miami, USA, with HOFA Gallery, Los Angeles, London, Mykonos

art KARLSRUHE, Karlsruhe, Gemany, with Art Galerie 7 / Meike Knüppe, Cologne, Germany


Kunst 2019 Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, with GalArtFactory, Appenzell, Switzerland

POSITIONS Munich, Munich, Germany, with von fraunberg gallery, Düsseldorf, Germany, and Christian Marx Galerie, Düsseldorf, Germany

Texas Contemporary, Houston, Texas, USA, with HOFA Gallery, Los Angeles, California, USA

BEIRUT ART FAIR, Beirut, Libanon, with A&V Gallery, Minsk, Belarus

VOLTA, Basel, Switzerland, with Christian Marx Galerie, Düsseldorf, Germany

Art Central Hong Kong, Hong Kong, with .M CONTEMPORARY, Sydney, Australia

Affordable Art Fair Brussels, Brussels, Belgium, with von fraunberg art gallery, Düsseldorf, Germany

LA Art Show Modern + Contemporary, with The House of Fine Art, Los Angeles, Kalifornien, USA

Art Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria, with Faur Zsófi Galéria, Budapest, Hungary


Contemporary Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey, with Faur Zsófi Galéria, Budapest, Hungary

art KARLSRUHE, Karlsruhe, Germany, with Art Galerie 7 / Meike Knüppe, Cologne, Germany and Christian Marx Galerie, Düsseldorf, Germany


KIAF 2017 ART SEOUL, Seoul, Southkorea

Kölner Liste 2017, Cologne, Germany, with Christian Marx Galerie, Düsseldorf, Germany

art KARLSRUHE, Karlsruhe, Germany, with Christian Marx Galerie, Düsseldorf, Germany



ART.FAIR Cologne with Galerie Simon Nolte

Kunst Zurich 16, Switzerland, with von fraunberg art gallery

art KARLSRUHE, with Christian Marx Galerie, von Fraunberg art gallery and Art Galerie 7



art KARLSRUHE, with Christian Marx Galerie

ART.FAIR 21, Cologne with Galerie Simon Nolte

Kunst Zürich 15, CH, with von fraunberg art gallery



ArtPalmBeach, Palm Beach, Florida, USA, with Anya Tish Gallery

ART.FAIR, Köln,with Galerie Simon Nolte and Christian Marx Galerie

art KARLSRUHE, Karlsruhe, with Christian Marx Galerie 

Kunst 14 Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, with von fraunberg art gallery

Texas Contemporary Art Fair, Houston, TX, USA, with Anya Tish Gallery



art KARLSRUHE, Karlsruhe, with Galerie Frank Pages, Geneva, Switzerland

ART.FAIR, Cologne, with Barbara Reutz, Galeria Simon Nolte and Christian Marx Galerie

Kunst 13 Zurich, Zurich, CH, with Barbara Reutz

Texas Contemporary Art Fair, Houston, TX, USA, with Anya Tish Gallery



Scope Miami, Miami, Florida, USA, with Galerie Biba

Art 12 Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland

Galerie Barbara Ruetz

Art Stage Singapur, Singapur, SGP, with Galerie Frank Pages, DE / CH

art KARLSRUHE, Karklruhe, with Galerie Frank Pages, DE / CH

Houston Fine Art Fair, Houston, TX, USA, with Anya Tish Gallery

Scope Art Basel, Basel, Switzerland, with Galerie Frank Pages, 

ART.FAIR, Cologne, with Galerie Nolte and Christian Marx Galerie



Contemporary Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey, with Galerie Frank Pages, DE / CH

Texas Contemporary Art Fair, Houston, TX, USA, with Anya Tish Gallery

art KARLSRUHE, Karlsruhe, with Galerie Frank Pages

Kunstmesse Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, with Galerie Michael Nolte

Scope Art Basel, Basel, Switzerland, with Galerie Frank Pages

ART.FAIR 21, Cologne, with Galerie Michael Nolte



art KARLSRUHE, Karlsruhe, with Galerie Oben

C.A.R. contemporary art ruhr, Essen, with Galerie Michael Nolte

St-art 2010, Straßbourg, France, with Galerie Frank Pages



Tease Art Fair, Cologne, with Galerie Eikelmann

ART TAIPEI, Taipei, Taiwan, with ART ISSUE Projects, Beijing, China

Selection Art Fair Basel, China, with Galerie Ruethmueller | Contemporary Art

KIAF 2009, Seoul, ROK, with ART ISSUE Projects, Beijing, China

ShContemporary, Shanghai, China, with ART ISSUE Projects, Beijing, China



Berliner Liste, Berlin, with Galerie Eikelmann

ART.FAIR 21 Cologne, with Galerie Eikelmann

"One Man Show", Bridge Art Fair New York, USA, with Galerie Eikelmann

DiVA New York 2008, Digital & Video Art Fair, USA, with White Box Gallery



Bridge Art Miami, Miami, FL, USA, with Galerie Eikelmann

ART.FAIR 21 Cologne, with Bereznitsky Gallery

Art Moscow, Moscow, Russia, with Bereznitsky Gallery and Galerie Eikelmann

The Salzburg World Fine Art Fair, Salzburg, Austria, with Galerie Ruethmueller und Bereznitsky Gallery

prizes / scholarships


Recognition prize, Art Prize Licht 2009 „Switch On!“, Gräfelfing, Germany



Special prize for originality, „Kunstpreis Wesseling“, Wesseling, Germany



prize of PSD Bank, Rhein-Ruhr



art prize of Sparkasse Bayreuth, Bayreuth

Prize for young art at the Stadtwerke Herne AG, Herne

"Emprise Art Award 2001", NRW-Forum culture and economy, Düsseldorf 



Kö-Galerie Prize, Düsseldorf

Caspar von Zumbusch-Prize, Herzebrock-Clarhorst 



"Unionswettbewerb", 3. prize, Moscow, Russia


Stadtliche Galerie Arsenal (Białystok, Poland)

Sparkasse (Herne)

PSD Bank Rhein-Ruhr (Düsseldorf)

Adelta Finanz AG (Düsseldorf)

Taylor Wessing (Düsseldorf)

Booz-Allen & Hamilton (Frankfurt)

Fast Trade AG (Cologne)

Bach, Langheid & Dalmayr (Cologne)

ProFonds GmbH (Munich)

Denk GmbH (Berlin)

Emprise Consulting GmbH (Düsseldorf)

Hewlett Packard (Germany)

Ernst & Young Deutsche Allgemeine Treuhand AG (Frankfurt)

AXA (Cologne)

Qiagen AG (Hilden)

PwC Deutsche Revision AG (Düsseldorf)

NEW AG (Mönchengladbach). 

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